2 Questions
I populated a volatile table with couple of million rows and am running a query via bteq on a Solaris Client ( so it runs regardless of my workstation connection) . Now If I see the run time explain stuck at some step , I want to abort just the query without loosing my session and VT contents how can this be done without admin privs.
@user1874594 : you didn't specified which mode you are interactive or batch
if you query is running for a long time in interactive mode , you can do below
press control+C
BREAK received. Input Command:
[after pressing break key or control C]
and then fire ABORT . You will get below screen.
*** ABORT signal received.
*** Warning: Canceling the rest of the output.
BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request or BTEQ command:
your VT table is still there..:)
2) VT tables are stored in SPOOL and there stats are collected in memory. You can't access them directly. Help stats is the only way .
By the way if you have script experience then write a shell script and get that stats in a file.