The method doesNotCompile
accepts only HLists that contain only Label[A]
entries. There is a Mapper that transforms a Label[A] to a String (to be precise: Const[String]#λ
However when I apply the mapper, the return type is ev1.Out. I know that's actually an HList of only Strings, but how can I convince the compiler?
import shapeless._
import shapeless.poly._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
import shapeless.UnaryTCConstraint._
object Util {
case class Label[A](name: String, value: A)
object GetLabelName extends (Label ~> Const[String]#λ) {
def apply[A](label: Label[A]) =
object Main {
import Util._
def bar(l: List[String]) = ???
def compiles = {
val names = "a" :: "b" :: HNil
// A is an HList whose members are all Label[_]
def doesNotCompile[A <: HList : *->*[Label]#λ](labels: A)(
implicit ev1: Mapper[GetLabelName.type, A]) = {
// implicit ev1: Mapper[String, A]) = {
val names = labels map GetLabelName
// names is of type `ev1.Out` - I want it to be an HList of Strings
// error: could not find implicit value for parameter toTraversableAux:
// shapeless.ops.hlist.ToTraversable.Aux[ev1.Out,List,Lub]
Here is the full gist incl. build.sbt - download and run sbt compile
As the error says, you are missing a type class instance of ToTraversable
without which you cannot call names.toList
. We can solve this by adding an implicit parameter, but first we need to solve a problem with GetLabelName
, since it can not be used when mapping over an HList
scala> GetLabelName(Label("a", 5))
res3: String = a
scala> (Label("a", 5) :: HNil) map GetLabelName
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: GetLabelName$.caseUniv()Lshapeless/PolyDefns$Case;
... 43 elided
A solution is to create a new polymorphic function extending Poly1
object getLabelName extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseLabel[T] = at[Label[T]](
Now we can add that implicit parameter to the function :
def bar(l: List[String]) = l
def labelNames[L <: HList : *->*[Label]#λ, M <: HList](labels: L)(implicit
mapper: Mapper.Aux[getLabelName.type, L, M],
trav: ToTraversable.Aux[M, List, String]
): List[String] = bar(
Which can be used as :
val labels = Label("a", 5) :: Label("b", 1d) :: Label("c", None) :: HNil
labelNames(labels) // List[String] = List(a, b, c)