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Sudden data corruption of local variable

I am concatenating few strings using a custom function. The functions works correctly and I get the proper values but after few statements the values in the char pointers gets corrupted. I do not understand the reason behind this. Below is the part of a larger function. I am just providing the code till where the corruption happens

char* my_strcpy(char*dest, const char* src, int hasLen, int length) {
    if (!hasLen) {
        while ((*dest = *src++))

    } else {
        while (length-- && (*dest = *src++))
    return dest;
int addSubscriptionInCache(subs_t* subs, str* pres_uri, int read_response) {

    redisReply *reply;

    char temp_key[1] = "";
    char *tk = my_strcpy(temp_key, "", 0, 0);
    char *subs_cache_key = tk;

    char temp_value[1] = "";
    char *tv = my_strcpy(temp_value, "", 0, 0);
    char *subs_cache_value = tv;

    tk = my_strcpy(tk, SUBSCRIPTION_SET_PREFIX, 0, 0);
    tk = my_strcpy(tk, "-", 0, 0);
    tk = my_strcpy(tk, subs->pres_uri.s, 0, 0);
    tk = my_strcpy(tk, ":", 0, 0);
    tk = my_strcpy(tk, subs->event->name.s, 0, 0);
    *tk = '\0';

    // this prints correctly.
    printf("subs_cache_key: %d %s \n", strlen(subs_cache_key), subs_cache_key);

    int subs_cache_value_len = subs->callid.len + subs->to_tag.len + 1; // add 1 for :

    tv = my_strcpy(tv, subs->to_tag.s, 1,subs->to_tag.len);
    tv = my_strcpy(tv, ":", 0, 0);
    tv = my_strcpy(tv, subs->callid.s, 1,subs->callid.len);
    *tv= '\0';
    // this prints correctly.
    printf("subs_cache_value: %d %s \n", strlen(subs_cache_value), subs_cache_value);

    //add in pipeline
    redisAppendCommand(redis_context, "SADD %s %s", subs_cache_key, subs_cache_value))
    //set expires
    redisAppendCommand(redis_context, "EXPIRE %s %d", subs_cache_key, subs->expires);

    // create hash for to_tag:call_id
    int argc = 0;
    char *arvg[22];
    size_t argvlen[22];
    // this prints fine.
    printf("Before corruption: %s", subs_cache_value);
    arvg[argc] = "HMSET";
    // below prints corrupted values
    printf("After corruption: %s", subs_cache_value);
    printf("After corruption: %s", subs_cache_key);
    argvlen[argc] = 5;

    arvg[argc] = subs_cache_value;
    argvlen[argc] = subs_cache_value_len;

    //rest of the code

I am using the custom function so that not to traverse the whole string again and again.

Please help me understand if I have done something because of which corruption is happening.



  • You have

    char temp_key[1] = "";
    char *tk = my_strcpy(temp_key, "", 0, 0);

    and go on to use tk in subsequent calls to my_strcpy.

    The problem is that you don't have enough memory. Using memory beyond the valid limits leads to undefined behavior.

    Use something like:

    char temp_key[1000] = "";  // Make the size large enough for
                               // the kinds of strings you are 
                               // expecting to see.

    Similarly, use:

    char temp_value[1000] = "";