Below is a simple Clojure app example created with lein new mw
(ns mw.core
(def fs (atom {}))
(defmacro op []
(swap! fs assoc :macro-f "somevalue"))
(defn -main [& args]
(println @fs))
and in project.clj
I have
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot [mw.core]}}
:main mw.core
When run in REPL, evaluating @fs
returns {:macro-f somevalue}
. But, running an uberjar yields {}
. If I change op
definition to defn
instead of defmacro
, then fs
has again proper content when run from an uberjar. Why is that?
I vaguely realize that this has something to do with AOT compilation and the fact that macro-expansion occurs before the compilation phase, but clearly my understanding of these things is lacking.
I ran into this issue while trying to deploy an application that uses a very nice mixfix library, in which mixfix operators are defined using a global atom. It took me quite a long time to isolate the issue to the example presented above.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This is indeed related to the AOT, and the fact that some side effects are expected when a top-level code is executed - here at macro expansion time. The difference between the lein repl
(or lein run
) and the uberjar is in when exactly this happens.
When lein repl
is executed, REPL starts and then loads the mw.core
namespace automatically, if it is defined in project.clj
, or one does it manually. When namespace is loaded, first the atom is defined, then macro is expanded and this expansion changes the value of the atom. All this happens in same runtime environment (in REPL process), and after the module is loaded, atom has an updated value in this REPL. Executing lein run
will do pretty much the same - load namespace and then execute -main
function in the same process.
And when lein uberjar
is executed - same thing happens and this is the problem now. Compiler, in order to compile the clj
file will first load it and evaluate the top level (I learned it myself from this SO answer). So the module is loaded, top level is evaluated, macro is expanded, reference value is changed and then, after compilation completes, the compiler process, the one where reference value just changed, ends. Now, when the uberjar is executed with java -jar
this spawns the new process, with a compiled code, where the macro is already expended (so (op)
is already "replaced" with the code the op
macro generated, which is none in this case). Therefore, atom value is unchanged.
In my opinion, good fix would be to not rely on side effects in a macro.
If stick to the macro anyway, the way to make this idea work is to skip the AOT for the module where macro expansion happens and load it lazily from the main module (again, same solution as in the other SO answer I mentioned). For example:
; ...
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot [mw.main]}}) ; note, no `mw.core` here
; ...
(ns mw.main
(defn get-fs []
(require 'mw.core)
@(resolve 'mw.core/fs))
(defn -main [& args]
(println @(get-fs)))
(ns mw.core
(def fs (atom {}))
(defmacro op []
(swap! fs assoc :macro-f "somevalue"))
I'm not sure myself, however, if this solution is stable enough and that there are no edge cases. It does work though on this simple example.