I have some problem with the rendering of some data in my application. To make it simple, I have a h:form that contains a table with a ui:repeat in the tbody. Let's make an exemple (I did not put all code, because it would be far too long) :
<h:form id="sequence-assemblage-form">
<table id="table-fils">
<ui:repeat id="fil">
many <td> one after another
<h:panelGroup id="actionsEditing" rendered="">
<h:inputHidden id="filHarnaisId" value="#{fil.id}"/>
<h:commandLink styleClass="icon-20 icon-save" id="save">
<f:ajax execute="@form" render="" listener="doesAnAction"/>
<f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form" listener="doesAnotherAction"/>
<f:ajax execute="@form" render=":integrite-form :message-integrite-panel" onevent="verifierIntegrite"/>
<h:commandLink styleClass="icon-20 icon-rollback" id="rollback" action="">
<f:ajax execute="@this" render="@form" />
My problem is that every time I save, it render the form completly, which cause performance problems when my table contains many rows (you know, when a page took like 10 seconds of more to load everytime you save?). Is there a way to do so it will only render the row I am currently editing?
I do not know if the problem is with the f:ajax execute
or f:ajax render
but I need to figure out where the problem is and find a solution for performance.
Have a nice day Thanks !
EDIT : I have noticed while trying to find a solution that one of the listeners change a value in my bean and that this value is required to render a script important to trigger the save (see below)
<h:outputScript rendered="#{fil.modifie}">
These lines of code are right before the end of my ui:repeat
which means that by updating only the ui:repeat
, it should be triggering the dialog if my value has been modified ?
I tried to change both the render
and execute
with the id of my ui:repeat
but it was not working.
I managed to find a workaround with the help of a colleague and this particular answer.
Had to wrap the content of every <td>
within a h:panelGroup
and give them a unique id. I could then use the render
on every element to make sure they have been updated.
It looks like this : <f:ajax render="id1 id2 id3 id4 ..."