I am trying to remove a lot of Virtualbox NICs that were created with docker toolbox using the command line (clicking them one for one is too much work and I will probably need to do this more in the future). So far I have the following command:
wmic nic where Description="VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" delete /INTERACTIVE
Interactive is there so I can double check. However when it tries to delete the first adapter I get the following error:
Description = Provider is not capable of the attempted operation
I am executing this command as administrator.
How can I delete these (virtual host only) NIC's?
I found a solution to remove all Virtualbox adapters, using the following command:
devcon remove *VBox*
For this to work you need to download the DevCon utility. I got it for Windows 7 here: http://techlikes.com/2010/09/25/devcon-problem-in-windows-7-solved.html#comment-196743312