I'm trying to build a rest service using the Yesod web framework. I can get entries by Id but I cannot get them by unique key. It's because the types signature of getBy404 is different to get404. getBy404 returns the value wrapped in a Entity and get404 returns the pure value.
module Handler.MusicaUser where
import Import
getMusicaUserR :: MusicaUserId -> Handler Value
getMusicaUserR pid = do
post <- runDB $ get404 pid
return $ object ["user" .= (Entity pid post)]
putMusicaUserR :: MusicaUserId -> Handler Value
putMusicaUserR pid = do
post <- requireJsonBody :: Handler MusicaUser
runDB $ replace pid post
sendResponseStatus status200 ("UPDATED" :: Text)
deleteMusicaUserR :: MusicaUserId -> Handler Value
deleteMusicaUserR pid = do
runDB $ delete pid
sendResponseStatus status200 ("DELETED" :: Text)
I have tried modifying my code using this example
Why does this code work with Yesod.Persist's get404 but not getBy404?
Thank. I appreciate your help.
I think I'm getting closer
getMusicaUserR :: Int64 -> Handler Value
getMusicaUserR facebookId = do
user <- runDB $ getBy404 (UniqueFacebookId facebookId)
return $ object ["user" .= (user)]
The error I get now is
Couldn't match type ‘Int64’ with ‘Key MusicaUser’
Expected type: MusicaUserId
Actual type: Int64
In the first argument of ‘MusicaUserR’, namely ‘dyn_al6K’
In the first argument of ‘Just’, namely ‘MusicaUserR dyn_al6K’
Is Int64 the correct type for my function. The reason I used it is because that is how facebookId is defined in my model. I have also tried using UniqueFacebookId.
To fix the above error I needed to change my routes definitions to
/users/#Int64 instead of /users/MusicaUserId
When you look at the definition of Entity, you can see that it is just a container for an entity and it's key. You can use the two functions entityKey
and entityVal
to extract the key and the value from the return value of getBy404