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Expression for nesting count of elements using xpath

in an xml schema nesting of <item>s is allowed unbounded e.g. in an unordered list of items (which is <randlist> for random list). These items may contain subitems that may be sublisted using <item> as a subelement within another list element such as <randlist> or <seqlist> for ordered lists.

Now I want to detect a nesting of more then 3 nesting depth levels in a document to apply some constraints on it. Using xpath this is what should be allowed unconditioned:







randlists with more then 3 item nesting depth levels should be prohibited, e.g.


How I can use xpath to formulate an expression that expresses a nesting of elements beyond the third level?

thank in advance

sorry people! so here the example goes

<randlist> <!-- first level (not nested at all): allowed -->
        This is the first item of an unordered enumeration of items that are prosa altogether.
        <randlist> <!-- second level (nested): allowed -->
                This is the first item of an unordered enumeration of items that are prosa altogether.
                Another item with some information in the nested unordered list.
                <seqlist> <!-- third level (double nested): allowed -->
                        This is the first item of an ordered enumeration of items (it may be shown with the number 1).
                        This is the second item of an ordered enumeration of items (it may be shown with the number 2).
                        <randlist> <!-- fourth level (triple nested): should be prohibited -->
                                This is the first item of an unordered enumeration of items.
                                This is the second item of an unordered enumeration of items.
                        This is the third item of an ordered enumeration of items (it may be shown with the number 3).

I need to detect more then 3 levels of item lists, i.e. the fourth level and more. I need something like e.g. randlist[count(nesting(item))>3], if there were a function like "nesting" in xpath.


  • What's wrong with the expression that you provided yourself:


    This will select any item that has three or more item ancestors.

    More efficient might be

    randlist//item[count(ancestor::item) > 2]

    but that depends on the XPath processor you are using.