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images having arabic names with encoding not opening

I am making an Android app where I have image url that contain arabic characters.

Below is the code I am using...

Log.e(TAG, "Video Image -- > " + Uri.encode(data.get(position).getPhoto().toString()));
        .resize(pW, pH)

The sample URL for as below.سبسي3ILAWESVVSKNVMWYLLTFWRASZ.jpg

The output of Log is as below.

10-19 10:00:08.038  25617-25617/ E/VideosAdapter﹕ Video Image -- >

Any idea why image is not displaying even after encoding url?


  • Finally below is what I did...

    Step 1 : Extract image name from URL

    String imageName = "";
    imageName = imageName.replaceAll("", "");

    Step 2 : Encode this image name instead of full URL

    String encodedURL = "" + Uri.encode(imageName);
            .resize(pW, pH)

    So encoded url will be as below.

    String encodedURL = "" + Uri.encode(imageName);

    Note : If there are spaces in URL you will need to update code as below.

    String encodedURL = "" + Uri.encode(imageName).replaceAll(" ", "%20");

    Don't replace space with %20 before encoding as it will encode %20 which will go to incorrect url. So replacing spaces with %20 will be after encoding.

    Posting the answer so it will help someone as I don't find solution online...