Actually am trying to create fixed length file which length is more than 32000,If not please help me to create How to create that.
please find below system message.
Cause . . . . . : The numeric value specified parameter RCDLEN, which is defined as type *INT2 in the command definition object, is not valid. The parameter types and their allowed values follow:
INT2: The range of values is -32768 to 32767.
INT4: The range of values is -2147483648 to 2147483647.
UINT2: The range of values is 0 to 65535.
UINT4: The range of values is 0 to 4294967295.
DEC: The range of values for this parameter is limited by its define length.
It is defined with LEN(*N) in the command definition object.
By default system will take *INT2 as numeric type(*INT2 range mentioned above). Am sure *INT2 maximum length is 32k.But we cant modify Numeric type as *UNT2,Let me know how to change *UNT2(range mentioned above) as Numeric type while creating the fixed length file.
Hello Techie Fellows Really Thank you for valuable comments.* I checked with IBM forum,we can able to create the file max length 32767. Kindly check in below link **(…) **.....Check for RCDLEN section in that above link.