I'm developing a SparkJava (not Apache Spark) app, and I'd like to share an object between a before filter and a post route. The filter and the route are defined in different classes. I'm not willing to go on with sessions, cause it's a mobile app json api and theoretically speaking, it should be session free. The variable scope should be from the beginning of the request handling until the end.
before(Main.API_PROTECTED + "/*", (req, res) -> {
String token = req.headers("Authorization");
if (token == null | "".equals(token)) {
halt(401, "You're not welcome.");
} else {
Partner partner = new PartnerDAO().getPartnerByToken(token.replace("Bearer ", ""));
if (partner == null) {
halt(401, "You're not welcome.");
There's the above before filter, from which I'd like to share the partner object with the post route below:
post(Main.API_PROTECTED + "/vendors",
(req, res) -> {
// Do stuff to insert Vendors in the Database, verifying access control using the partner object
return "";
Maybe in the future, the app will need to scale, so keep in mind that there may be more than one node running this.
Add the object to the request in the filter.
request.attribute("myObject", "my value");
Look it up in the post
request.attribute("myObject"); // "my value"