I have a python script that does multiple things and prints logs on the console. For now, I have not used any logging mechanism(I am just printing the required messages using print
) How do I take all the prints and send it out as an email? Do I have to save it all in a variable and pass it to smtplib? or is there a better way?
Sample code
for job in fetch.getJobStats():
if job['userName']+"_"+job['tenantId'] in summaryTotal:
summary = summaryTotal[job['userName']+"_"+job['tenantId']]
summary = Summary(job['userName'], job['tenantId'])
summaryTotal[summary.user+"_"+summary.tenant] = summary
summary.jobs.append(Job(job['jobId'], job['jobStatus'], int(job['fileSize'])))
totalBw += int(job['fileSize'])
print("Cumulative Size: " + str(totalBw))
for summaryKey in summaryTotal.keys():
summary = summaryTotal[summaryKey]
inprogress = []
failed = []
completed = []
cancelled = []
totalBwTenantUser = 0
for job in summary.jobs:
totalBwTenantUser += job.filesize
if job.status == "JOBCANCELLED":
elif job.status == "JOBCOMPLETED":
elif job.status == "INPROGRESS":
elif job.status == "JOBFAILED":
print("-" * 50)
print("Tenant: " + summary.tenant)
print("User : " + summary.user)
print("Size : " + str(totalBwTenantUser))
print("INPROGRESS: " + str(inprogress))
print("COMPLETED : " + str(completed))
print("CANCELLED : " + str(cancelled))
print("FAILED : " + str(failed))
print("-" * 50)
All the prints should be shot off an email.
You really should use the excellent logging system that comes with Python.
Combine it with the mailinglogger
handler and you have everything you need:
import logging
from mailinglogger.SummarisingLogger import SummarisingLogger
handler = SummarisingLogger('from@example.com',
subject='[LOGS] %s (hostname)s',
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p',
logger = logging.getLogger()
logging.info('Sent by email.')