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Rectangle perimeter and circle area calculator python

l= float(input("Enter length: "))
w= float(input("Enter width: "))
r= float(input("Enter radius: "))
def perimeter():
    return (l+w)*2
def circArea():
    return (3.14)*(r**2)
def display():
    p = perimeter()
   print("Perimeter is: ", p)
    a = circArea()
    print("Area is: ", a)
def main():


I fixed the code, it works now. I realized what i was doing wrong with the returns.


  • As pointed out in the comments, you return from main before you compute c. But even if you didn't, c is local to main (as is p), so it wouldn't be accessible from outside of it. If you want to access the global p and c, you have to tell main that with the global statement. But that's really a bad way to handle the problem of getting data out of a function; that's what return values are for.