I am trying to use the Squeak Foreign Function Interface. All information I was able to find does not seem to apply to the new Squeak 5.0 because when I try e.g.:
add: a to: b
" ( int ) add (int a, int b) ; "
< cdecl: int 'add' ( int a, int b ) module: 'mydll'>
^ self externalCallFailed
which is derived from this page's:
apiInvalRect: aRect
" ( void ) InvalRect (const Rect ☆ badRect ) ; "
< cdecl: void 'InvalRect' ( MacRect ) module: 'InterfaceLib'>
^ self externalCallFailed.
then I get the error that it expects a >
right after the <
(I am using Squeak 5.0 on Windows with SqueakFFIPrims.bundle
in its resources directory.)
You first need to install FFI in the image, via Monticello.
The FFI package are located at http://source.squeak.org/FFI.html
You need to install 'FFI-Pools' first, then 'FFI-Kernel'. Then you can load 'FFI-Tests' and 'FFI-Example'.
Once FFI is installed in image, the correct syntax would be something like this:
add: a to: b
" ( int ) add (int a, int b) ; "
<cdecl: long 'add' ( long long ) module: 'mydll'>
^ self externalCallFailed
You don't specify the parameter names - they are implicitly taking the same position as the smalltalk method.
You have to replace int by long - it's the same on supported 32 bits platforms.
EDIT to load the FFI package in Squeak, you can type and execute (do it) this in a workspace:
(Installer repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/FFI')
install: 'FFI-Pools';
install: 'FFI-Kernel';
install: 'FFI-Tests';
install: 'FFI-Examples'.