I have a lot of files in one directory named: world_map_1.png
, world_map_2.png
, world_country_1.png
, world_country_2.png
, ...
I want to use ImageMagick to append world_map_2.png
to world_map_1.png
and store the output in world_map.png
. I want to do this for all files starting with world
and ending with 1
and 2
, so my approach was:
convert world_*_1.png world_*_2.png +append world_*.png
The problem is that * must be the same in all 3 names, so I need a kind of variable for this, which I could reuse in the 2nd and 3rd name.
I'd use a command to detect uniq "infixes":
for image in world_*_*.png
echo "${tmp/_*/}"
done | sort -u
Then, loop over them
for token in $(for a in world_*_*.png; do tmp="${a/world_/}"; echo "${tmp/_*/}"; done | sort -u)
convert "world_$token"_*.png +append "world_$token.png"
Creating some fake image files:
touch world_{map,country,something,else}_{01..04}.png
The command runs all of the following lines:
convert world_country_01.png world_country_02.png world_country_03.png world_country_04.png +append world_country.png
convert world_else_01.png world_else_02.png world_else_03.png world_else_04.png +append world_else.png
convert world_map_01.png world_map_02.png world_map_03.png world_map_04.png +append world_map.png
convert world_something_01.png world_something_02.png world_something_03.png world_something_04.png +append world_something.png