I'm looking at the features of SymmetricDS (last version symmetric-server-3.7.24) and in their forum I read it is actually possibile to synch from a view. So I tried to synch from a view but when I run the program I got an error because symmetricDs cannot create a trigger on the view. I also read that if a use a materialized view, then the trigger should be created.
The view is on a sqlserver 2008. I dropped the view and create a new one with schemabinding and add a cluster index on it. I also check that all the options are set as required in the MSDN guide to create indexed table.
I run symmetricDS again but still fail to create the trigger on the view.
Can anyone help me? If what I ask is actually not possibile, then it is possibile to craete an extension that does not use trigger to synchronized the tables? I don't care that the two db are synched realtime, I can use a scheduled job, it will be just fine.
Thank you for you help and suggestion.
BTW: I can also change tool you you know a better one :)
I don't think that's a supported use case. However, you can try setting the sync_on_insert/update/delete fields to 0 on the sym_trigger. Then you would be able to sync the view with an initial load or by scheduling reloads (see "symadmin reload-table" command).