For example:
If Marathon is running a task named /cassandra
, Mesos-DNS assigns it a DNS name - cassandra.marathon.mesos
Now I have a task named /monit/promdash
. How can I find its DNS name?
Already tried:
, promdash_monit.marathon.mesos
(and with , -
instead of _
, promdash.marathon.mesos
, ...)
There's a HTTP interface. Couldn't find how to list all DNS names either...
Marathon reverses the hierarchical names, concatenates them with -
and this is the app name then, so in your case it would be promdash-monit.marathon.mesos
. Try it out.
At the bottom of the Mesos-DNS naming documentation we provide some more details about how these FQHN are constructed and you can also check out a complete end-to-end example I've put together, using two levels of hierarchies.