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Drupal Feeds Import Image from image service

I am using Drupal 7 and Feeds to import an image field into a content type article, it does work when the image url is a direct link to the image.

but images that are linking to image handlers: not importing.

I have tried:

  • to use the Feeds Tamper Module and Feeds Tamper PHP to try and alter the image name, this results in an invalid URL loading.
  • To use Field Image Grabber, but I have an XML source, not HTML.

here is my source feed url

and my Image: URI xpath mapping is: string(link[@rel="enclosure"]/@href)


  • I managed to solve this by using the feeds tamper module with the following php snippet to save the image and then reference the path on my server.

    $checkext = substr($field, -5);
    if (strpos($checkext,'.') == false)
      $filename = str_replace(".","_",microtime(true)).".jpg";
      $output = "public://field/image/".$filename;
      file_put_contents($output, file_get_contents($field));
      return  $output;
      return $field;