I try to delete several branches from my project:
leo:Project leo$ git push origin --delete effects
To https://github.com/gituser/Project.git
- [deleted] effects
leo:Project leo$ git push origin --delete viewport
To https://github.com/gituser/Project.git
- [deleted] viewport
But after fetch --prune
that says
After fetching, remove any remote-tracking references that no longer exist on the remote.
I still have deleted branches on local machine:
leo:Project leo$ git fetch -p
leo:Project leo$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
Any suggestions?
The command did exactly what it said, it deleted "remote-tracking references". This means that any local branch that is connected to a branch on the remote repository gets disconnected, nothing more. That means in particular that the local branch still exists afterwards.
In order to delete a branch, use git branch -D <branchname>
, perhaps make sure you don't lose any commits by first looking at the branch's content.