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Looking for "is_comparable" typetrait

I'm looking for an "is_comparable<>" typetrait but can't find any.

It's very easy to build one that checks if an operator== for a class was implemented, but this excludes global defined operators.

Is it impossible to implement a generic is_comparable<> typetrait?


  • I take it you mean a trait that, for two types L and R and objects lhs and rhs of those types respectively, will yield true if the lhs == rhs will compile and false otherwise. You appreciate that in theory lhs == rhs might compile even though rhs == lhs, or lhs != rhs, does not.

    In that case you might implement the trait like:

    #include <type_traits>
    template<class ...> using void_t = void;
    template<typename L, typename R, class = void>
    struct is_comparable : std::false_type {};
    template<typename L, typename R>
    using comparability = decltype(std::declval<L>() == std::declval<R>());
    template<typename L, typename R>
    struct is_comparable<L,R,void_t<comparability<L,R>>> : std::true_type{};

    This applies a popular SFINAE pattern for defining traits that is explained in the answer to this question

    Some illustrations:

    struct noncomparable{};
    struct comparable_right
        bool operator==(comparable_right const & other) const {
            return true;
    struct any_comparable_right
        template<typename T>
        bool operator==(T && other) const {
            return false;
    bool operator==(noncomparable const & lhs, int i) {
        return true;
    #include <string>
    static_assert(is_comparable<char *,std::string>::value,"");
    static_assert(!is_comparable<char const *,char>::value,"");

    If you want the trait to require that equality is symmetric and that inequality also exists and is symmetric you can see how to elaborate it yourself.