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Rhino mocks stubbing twice the same function doesn't work as expected

I've started to work with Rhino recently and encountered a very unexpected behavior that I couldn't overcome.

The issue is that I have an infrastructure of my stubs and in one of my tests I needed to change one of the predefined stubs (in my infrastructure) to return a different value then the default one.

I've reproduce the issue in the following code:

public class UnitTest1
    private IWorker _worker;

    void Setup()
        _worker = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IWorker>();

    public void DoWork_StubbingFunctionTwice_CallingTheLastStub()
        int expected = 1;
        _worker.Stub(w => w.DoWork()).Return(expected);
        int actual =_worker.DoWork();
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


public interface IWorker
    int DoWork();

someone knows why the Rhino stubs are behaving this way and more important how can I solve it in the cleanest way?


  • When you specify a behavior on a fake object in RhinoMocks without any constraint(RepeatOnce and etc..) the behavior will stay and you won't be able to override it.(actually option 1 shows how you can...)

    In your case you specify a specific behavior in the Setup method:


    The above line will execute before _worker.Stub(w => w.DoWork()).Return(expected);.

    The best practice for SetUp / TestInitialize attributes is to group inside them only settings which you want to apply in all test methods.

    By default any method with a return value returns the default(T) so you can remove _worker.Stub(w=>w.DoWork()).Return(0); and then any thing will work.

    If your real case is more complex:

    Option1: clear the mock

    // clear expectations, an enum defines which
    // go to replay again.

    Option2: limit the behavior

    _worker.Stub(w=>w.DoWork()).Return(0).Repeat.Once(); // or the max time you need...

    and then add a loop inside the test method:

    for(...; i < num of time; ...)

    Option3: create a new fake and CUT(class under test)