I am trying to populate a GUI (included pic below) from a text file. The text file has 12 lines of text and is written like this : Matthew Smith;Australia;60,62,58,62,63,70;50,52,56,57,60,56. The aim is to have the names populate the jlist so when you select the name, the country will appear as a jlabel next to 'country' and the textfields will populate with the scores. I've been trying a few things but all I get is the java.Lang etc every time in the jList.. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks very much
private static Scanner inGui;
public Stage3() {
private void readFile() throws IOException {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Stage3Scores.txt"));
String line = "";
int iScore = 0;
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String[] splitLine = line.split(";");
athletes[iScore] = splitLine[0];
countries[iScore] = splitLine[1];
scores[iScore] = splitLine[2];
lblDisplayCountry = new JLabel("l");
lblDisplayCountry.setBounds(101, 119, 186, 24);
listAthlete = new JList();
listAthlete.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
listAthlete.setBounds(101, 187, 186, 205);
JButton btnLoadAthlete = new JButton("Load");
btnLoadAthlete.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
DefaultListModel DLM = new DefaultListModel();
DLM.addElement(""+ athletes +"");
DLM.addElement(""+ countries +"");
DLM.addElement("" + scores + "");
listAthlete.setModel (DLM);
btnLoadAthlete.setBounds(142, 422, 89, 23);
The DefaultListModel is: public class DefaultListModel<E> extends AbstractListModel<E>
so what you can do is either create a class like POJO and override toString method to show the Athlete Name and add the object to DefaultListModel otherwise only create the DLM as follows:
DefaultListModel<String> DLM = new DefaultListModel<String>();
for(int i = 0; i < athletes.length; i++)
listAthlete.setModel (DLM);
Then on selection of the athlete name you can get the details from appropriate array with the index no of the list item selected.