I have an array of strings, and I'd like to have a query containing an IN clause, like:
"... WHERE t.name IN ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')..>"
Here's the final bit of my query, which contains a "where X in Y" clause:
left join genre_tag_band_join tj on hb.id = tj.band_id or ob.id = tj.band_id
left join genre_tags t on tj.genre_tag_id = t.id
inner join venues v on e.venue_id = v.id
where t.name IN @tagsParam...
I make a Dapper call like this
var shows = con.Query<Event, Band, Band, GenreTag, Venue, Event>(query, (e, hb, ob, gt, v) =>
Event show;
return e;
new { tagsParam = tagsArr}).AsQueryable();
where tagsArr is a string[].
I get exception:
{"42601: syntax error at or near \"$1\""}
In PostgreSQL, you can't use IN to check whether a value is inside an array, you have to use the following PostgreSQL-specific syntax: where t.name = ANY (@tagsParam)
. See the section 8.15.5 in the PostgreSQL docs.