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Dynamically get primary color of drawable to set toolbar color

I have an android app with a collapsing toolbar layout for a detailed view. I'm trying to dynamically set the color of the toolbar, according to the primary color of the drawable that was passed in.

I know this is possible with the new material guidelines, but I can't find any documentation on it.


  • Okay, so I started with what Akasha stated but generate is deprecated in latest version. So I ended up doing the following.

    // Get reference to icon drawable
    Drawable iconDrawable = mPackageHelper.getAppIcon(mApp.getAppPackage());
    Bitmap iconBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) iconDrawable).getBitmap();
    Palette iconPalette = Palette.from(iconBitmap).maximumColorCount(16).generate();
    int primaryColorInt = iconPalette.getVibrantColor(0x000000);