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Back button does not navigate to required scene

On "tap", firstBar1.lua goes to scene1.lua. If there is no tap during the scene1 timeout then it moves to scene2 and so on; scene1 has a goBack button directed to firstBar1. It goes back for a moment but then continues to scene 2. It needs to stay on firstBar1 until there is another tap. I've tried various button codes and this is the best outcome I have been able to get. print ("firstBar1") doesn't work after tapping the back button.

    -- firstBar1.lua

    local composer = require ("composer")            
            print ("firstBar1")
    local scene = composer.newScene()                                       
    function scene:create(event) 
            local screenGroup = self.view

    local widget = require ("widget")

    local function onScene1BtnRelease()
            composer.gotoScene("scene1", "fade", 40)
            return true     

    image1 = "images/staveBlankgrey2.png" 

    local scene1Btn = widget.newButton{
            defaultFile = image1,
            width = 480, height = 320,
            onRelease = onScene1BtnRelease


    scene:addEventListener( "create", scene)
    scene:addEventListener( "show", scene)
    scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene)
    scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene)

  return scene


    -- scene1.lua

  local mydata = require ("mydata")

    local composer = require ( "composer")
    local scene = composer.newScene()

            local function showScene2()
                    local options = {
                            effect = "slideLeft",
                            time = 130,
            composer.gotoScene("scene2", options)

    -- create scene 3

    function scene:createScene ( event )
    local sceneGroup = self.view

  function scene:show( event )
    local sceneGroup = self.view
    local phase = event.phase

    -- will

    if ( phase == "will") then

            data = data + 1
                    if data == 5 then
                    sub = sub + 1
                    data = 1
            if sub == 3 then
            section = section + 1
                    sub = 1
                    data = 1

        stave = display.newImage( "images/staveBlankgrey2.png", 240, 160 )
        note1 = display.newImage( "images/crDown.png", 130, 141 )
        count = display.newImage( workoutTable[section][sub][data], 60, 40 ) 

            sceneGroup:insert( stave )
            sceneGroup:insert( note1 )
            sceneGroup:insert( count )

        -- goBackBtn                                   

            local widget = require ("widget")

            local button = display.newImage("images/goBackBtn.png")
            button.x = display.contentWidth / 2
            button.y = display.contentHeight - 60

            sceneGroup:insert( button )

            function button:tap(event)
                    composer.gotoScene("firstBar1", "fade", 30)
            button:addEventListener("tap", button)
            print ("button 1 pressed")
            sceneGroup:insert( button )
            return true

        -- did

            elseif ( phase == "did") then
                    local function showScene2()
                        local options = {
                             effect = "slideLeft",
                             time = 30,
            composer.gotoScene( "scene2", options )

            timer.performWithDelay(tempo, showScene2 )

    -- hide / destroy

    function scene:hide( event )
            local sceneGroup = self.view
            local phase = event.phase

    function scene:destroy( event )
            local sceneGroup = self.view

    scene:addEventListener( "create", scene )
    scene:addEventListener( "show", scene )
    scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene )
    scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene )

    return scene

If I'm missing something out could you also tell me where to include it? Thanks.


  • When you process the back button touch, you need to cancel your timer that's going to the next scene.

    At the top of the module declare a variable to store the handle to the timer:

    local sessionTimer

    Then when you start the timer do:

    sessionTimer = timer.performWithDelay(tempo, showScene2 )

    Finally if you leave the scene prior to the timer's exit, perhaps in your button handler, do:

    timer.cancel( sessionTimer )

    Or something similar.