I am using Gimp 2.8.14 on Ubuntu 14.04 and a Wacom tablet (Intuos 3 6x8).
My problem is that I cannot make a smooth stroke even when I check the Smooth stroke in the Tool Options panel. When I do that the problem is less evident, but is still there.
I believe the tablet is not the problem because in Krita the problem does not appear.
I have already uninstalled Gimp and installed it again and the problem persists.
Can you please give some directions to solve the problem?
As Michael Schumacher (@MichaelSchumacher) pointed out in his comment at the Graphic Design area of this forum (https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/61990/gimp-jagged-pencil-and-brush-strokes?noredirect=1#comment92145_61990), the
View > Snap to Grid
option was turned on and, as a result, interfering with the brush strokes.
Just turn it off and everything is OK.
Do not check the Smooth stroke paramenter at the Tool Options panel, because it will slow down your machine a lot. I tried that and, to have the desired result, I put the values at the maximum levels. I could not paint freely after that.