Im using Cardslib inside my project Is it possible to inflate another Layouts inside the CardsWithList? I want to add a somekind of footer at the end which would be clickable to open another fragment
If you want to use different layouts for each row in CardWithList
, you can't do it.
If you want to use a custom layout for the
As other cards you can use a custom inner layout instead of the default layout. You can set it in your constructor for example:
public WeatherCard(Context context) {
Your layout have to provide an element with `
Also you can add other elements inside you layout.
In this case you have to set them with the method
. In this case it is very important to call the super method.
public void setupInnerViewElements(ViewGroup parent, View view) {
//It is very important call the super method!!
super.setupInnerViewElements(parent, view);
//Your elements
You can find more info here: