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Expression template and summation symbol

I'm writing a small library for quantum mechanics and I want to use expression template to form operator expressions. Especially forming the Hamiltonian with expression template.

I basically followed this source to construct the code and overloading the corresponding operators + * -:

Forming the expression for the Hamiltonian requires a sum

Vec x = u_1 + u_2 + ... + u_N

where N is a (const) integer and u_i are also of type Vec. Writing this expression in the code works but I would like to be able to write

Vec x = Sum_{i=0}^{N} u_i

How would one do this?

------------ EDIT ------------

After some research and with the help of the comments, I came up with an idea of static for loop... After googling I found an article in which is exactly what I needed.


  • There is no way to write a template or function that magically pattern matches variables from the surrounding scope, so your u_i syntax can not work. You could do something similar with a macro, e.g.:

    #define SUM_4(x) x ## 1 + x ## 2 + x ## 3 + x ## 4


    Vec u_1, u_2, u_3, u_4;
    Vec x = SUM_4(u_);

    You'd need to define additional macros for other numbers of source vectors.

    The subscript operator in C++ is modeled by array access, e.g. u[1], u[2], .... If you are willing to maintain an array of Vec, you could write a generic function that iterates over the array. In this case the parameter would be the array. Something like:

    template<typename T, int N>
    T sum(T (&u)[N])
        // (or your preferred summation procedure)
        T x = u[0];
        for (int i=1; i < N; ++i)
            x += u[i];
        return x;


    Vec u[4];
    Vec x = sum(u);

    Even better use a std::vector or fixed size array template.

    P.S. Consider using Eigen.

    EDIT: Updated sum() template with array size deduction from