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When to reduce in a shift-reduce parser?

This is the skeleton of my bottom-up parser:

while (!stack.empty())
    if (!reduce())

And I have these rules:

Program -> Expr
Expr -> Expr '+' Expr
Expr -> Number
Number -> FLOAT | INTEGER  // These 2 are terminal symbols

If I have the following input:

2 + 3

2 gets pushed onto the stack, then gets reduced to a Number, then an Expression and then a Program. So it doesn't have any chance to parse the whole addition. How can I force the parser to parse the rest too? Should I do something like:

Program -> Expr EOF


Bottom-up parsing is pretty new for me so any help is appreciated.


  • You can use a look-ahead to decide whether to shift or reduce. Your example grammar fits in the LR(1) family of grammars, so a bottomup parser with a 1 symbol look-ahead should be able to capture it.

    In your example you have input:

    2 + 3

    So you build up a stack:

    Program, Expr, Number

    Shift FLOAT, reduce Number, reduce Expr. Now you have a choice, whether to reduce Program or shift '+', so you look ahead is there is a '+'. If so you shift and follow the Expr = Expr '+' Expr rule.

    You may still want to do Program = Expr EOF so your lookahead can always return EOF if there's nothing left to parse.