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MongoDB on Pi2 with ArchLinux does not work

Hey i always get an error when trying to start MongoDB on my RaspberryPi 2, which runs Arch Linux. MongoDB is installed via pacman.


root@alarmpi ~ # mongo 


2015-10-15T18:00:10.769+0000 F -        Invalid access at address: 0
2015-10-15T18:00:10.773+0000 F -        Got signal: 11 (Segmentation fault).

0x2f6120 0x2f57e0 0x2f5bf4 0x76320a30
mongo(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x2C) [0x2f6120]
mongo(+0x2E57E0) [0x2f57e0]
mongo(+0x2E5BF4) [0x2f5bf4] [0x76320a30]
-----  END BACKTRACE  -----

Any suggestions how to solve this?


  • I had the same problem with mongoDB running on my cubieboard after upgrading. There seems to be a problem with the recent versions of MongoDB, at least on systems with arm architecture.

    The segmentation fault occured on my system both with mongodb-3.0.6-2-armv7h and mongodb-3.0.7-1-armv7h. After downgrading to mongodb-3.0.4-1-armv7h the error was gone.

    Have a look at /var/cache/pacman/pkg. Maybe you'll find an older version that works. This can be installed with:

    pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/mongodb-3.0.4-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz

    You can get more information on downgrading packages on the Arch Linux WIKI.