I am working with PostgreSQL 8.4.4. I am calculating time difference between two Unix time-stamps using PostgreSQL's age
function. I am getting the output as expected. The only thing I want is to convert the time difference in UPPERCASE.
For example,
select coalesce(nullif(age(to_timestamp(1389078075), to_timestamp(1380703432))::text,''), UPPER('Missing')) FROM transactions_transactions WHERE id = 947
This query giving the result as
3 mons 4 days 22:17:23
But I want this output to be like
3 MONTHS 4 DAYS 22:17:23
Note: I am using this for dynamic report generation purpose. So I cannot convert it to UPPERCASE after fetching from database. I want it to be in UPPERCASE at the time of coming from database itself, i.e., in the query.
PostgreSQL's upper()
function should be use
SELECT upper(age(to_timestamp(1389078075), to_timestamp(1380703432))::text)
FROM transactions_transactions WHERE id = 947
as per OP's comment and edit
select upper(coalesce(nullif(age(to_timestamp(1389078075), to_timestamp(1380703432))::text,''), UPPER('Missing')))