I am able to get OSGi blueprint to work in Karaf, but I don't understand how to do it in Apache Felix, or my question can be also defined as how can I use OSGi blueprint in plain OSGi?
I made an example here https://github.com/PhilAndrew/sbt-osgi-felix-akka-blueprint-camel using https://github.com/doolse/sbt-osgi-felix in which Akka is working but Blueprint and Camel not yet working.
This question may help Is Apache Aries running in Felix?
It's not starting Blueprint because your bundle's code doesn't actually rely on any of the classes in blueprint, so you either need to add "Require-Bundle" header to your manifest:
requireBundle := Seq("org.apache.aries.blueprint")
or add the bundles that needed to be started to the osgiDependencies of run:
osgiDependencies in run := bundleReqs("org.apache.aries.blueprint.core",