look at this simple script please
$c1 = $_GET[c1];
$c2 = $_GET[c2];
$c3 = $_GET[c3];
$c4 = $_GET[c4];
$c5 = $_GET[c5];
for($i = 1;$i <=5;$i++)
echo $c{$i};//or something else here :/
how can i print tha values of variables?
You can see on php.net some good examples in the variable page. Read that and take a look at the examples.
Also, below is your piece of code fixed so it can work:
$c1 = $_GET[c1];
$c2 = $_GET[c2];
$c3 = $_GET[c3];
$c4 = $_GET[c4];
$c5 = $_GET[c5];
for($i = 1;$i <=5;$i++)
echo ${"c".$i};