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GetColumn Information and Width on Resize - Slick Grid

Am working on slick grid where am trying to get the column information like id,name and the new width of column after resize.

I wrote an event which will be triggered when user resizes the column.

grid.onColumnsResized.subscribe(function (e, args) {
           //To Do

grid.getColumns() will help but how do i identify which column user has resized. is there a way I can get the column index of the resized column?

some start up code from here will save lot of my time



  • The onColumnsResized event triggered by SlickGrid doesn't include any references to the columns which changed.

    It's important to note that the width of multiple columns may have changed when this event triggers. Examples of this are:

    • Using the grid option forceFitColumns: true to force the columns to fit in the width of the grid
    • Resizing a column so small it affects the columns to its left

    Two possible options for implementing this are:

    Check columns after change

    SlickGrid stores the previous column widths in the property named previousWidth on each column. You can compare the prevoiusWidth and width values to determine which columns changed.

    grid.onColumnsResized.subscribe(function (e, args) {
      //Loop through columns
      for(var i = 0, totI = grid.getColumns().length; i < totI; i++){
        var column = grid.getColumns()[i];
        //Check if column width has changed
        if (column.width != column.previousWidth){
          //Found a changed column - there may be multiple so all columns must be checked
          console.log('Changed column index : ' + i);

    SlickGrid resets the previousWidth values for all columns whenever a column starts being resized.

    You can view an example of this approach at

    Modifying SlickGrid

    If you are hosting SlickGrid and are comfortable maintaining your own version then you could modify it to include column information in the args of the onColumnsResized event.

    In slick.grid.js at line 860 amend the code where the event is triggered to include an array containing the indexes of changed columns. You can also include the index of the column which the user resized if this is useful. The below adds properties named changedColumnIndexes and triggeredByColumnIndex which are passed in the args of the triggered event. I've wrapped the changes for this in comments prefixed //MODIFICATION.

    .bind("dragend", function (e, dd) {
      var newWidth;
      //MODIFICATION - Add array to capture changed column indexes and variable to capture 
      //               the index of the column which triggered the change
      var changedColumnIndexes = [];
      var triggeredByColumnIndex = getColumnIndex($(this).parent()[0].id.replace(uid, ""));
      for (j = 0; j < columnElements.length; j++) {
        c = columns[j];
        newWidth = $(columnElements[j]).outerWidth();
        //MODIFICATION - Add column index to array if changed
        if (c.previousWidth !== newWidth) {
        if (c.previousWidth !== newWidth && c.rerenderOnResize) {
      //MODIFICATION - Amend trigger for event to include array and triggeredBy column
      trigger(self.onColumnsResized, {changedColumnIndexes: changedColumnIndexes, triggeredByColumnIndex: triggeredByColumnIndex});

    In your own code subscribe to the onColumnsResized event and pickup the changed column index from the args of the event.

    grid.onColumnsResized.subscribe(function(e, args) {
      //Triggered by column is passed in args.triggeredByColumnIndex
      console.log('Change triggered by column in index : ' + args.triggeredByColumnIndex);
      //Column array is passed in args.changedColumnIndexes
      console.log('Changed columns are...');
      //Loop through changed columns if necessary
      for (var i = 0, totI = args.changedColumnIndexes.length; i < totI; i++){

    You can view an example of this approach at