My sidekiq.yml
config file defines the following queues
- [high_priority, 2]
- mailers
- default
- low_priority
When Sidekiq starts up with the app, the app log correctly shows that the queues were picked up
Booting Sidekiq 3.5.0 with redis options {:url=>"redis://localhost:6379/", :network_timeout=>3}
Starting processing, hit Ctrl-C to stop
{:queues=>["high_priority", "high_priority", "mailers", "default", "low_priority"], :labels=>[], ...
But when I try using the Sidekiq API to retrieve the list of queues from the rails console
, I only see the default
> Sidekiq::Queue.all
=> [#<Sidekiq::Queue:0x000001061f4760 @name="default", @rname="queue:default">]
Any reason the API doesn't return all queues?
Queues aren't created in Redis until a job is pushed to them.