I have a task to write template vector with separate description. I want to realize iterator and I have a strange error at end() function.
I have two constructors:
template <class T>
Vector<T>::iterator::iterator(Vector<T>& v): vector(v), index(0){}
template <class T>
Vector<T>::iterator::iterator(Vector<T>& v, bool): vector(v), index(v.getSize()){}
and begin() and end() realization:
template <class T>
typename Vector<T>::iterator Vector<T>::iterator::begin()
return iterator(*this);
template <class T>
typename Vector<T>::iterator Vector<T>::iterator::end()
return iterator(*this, true);
In main():
Vector<int>::iterator it(vec);
for(Vector<int>::iterator start = it.begin(); start != it.end(); ++start)
std::cout << *start << std::endl;
I have an error:
F:\Vector\vector.cpp:281: ошибка: no matching function for call to 'Vector<int>::iterator::iterator(Vector<int>::iterator&, bool)'
return iterator(*this, true);
It seems, I don't understand something. What's wrong?
template <class T>
typename Vector<T>::iterator Vector<T>::iterator::begin()
return iterator(*this);
template <class T>
typename Vector<T>::iterator Vector<T>::iterator::end()
return iterator(*this, true);
You construct an iterator by passing *this
, but *this
is a reference to an iterator. And as the compiler says, you didn't define any iterator constructor which takes a reference to an iterator as parameter. Your 2 construtors both take a reference to a vector (not an iterator).
You should do this:
template <class T>
typename Vector<T>::iterator Vector<T>::begin()
return iterator(*this);
template <class T>
typename Vector<T>::iterator Vector<T>::end()
return iterator(*this, true);
(I removed ::iterator
because begin
and end
are supposed to be vector's methods, and not iterator's). Now *this
would be a reference to a Vector<T>