I'd like to add a razor model variable into a resource file string. I've tried the following but the variable is rendered as a literal:
attempt 1:
"There is a variable @Model.here"
attempt 2:
"There is a variable @(Model.here)"
In the code, it is referenced like this:
Is there some way to do this?
It is better to do this kind of thing by storing
"There is a variable {0}"
as the resource string, and in the view, writing something like this:
@string.Format(Resources.String, model.here);
As a full example:
Here is the model class:
public class Foo
public string Name { get; set; }
public Foo()
Name = "bar";
It has controller with a simple Index ActionResult:
// GET: Foo
public ActionResult Index()
return View(new Foo());
There is a resx file with resource
[resourceName, <strong>name of model is: {0}</strong>]
In the razor view, render this as
@Html.Raw(string.Format(Resources.resourceName, Model.Name))