I'm trying to dynamically change bootstrap themes with GWTBootstrap3. I'm not sure where to start looking, so I haven't tried anything at all. I found an outdated article for the older gwt-boostrap. But all I've found for bootstrap3 is this info which only shows how to attach a theme. I need to be able to switch it based on variables in the code.
I changed my bootstrap include in the gwt.xml to :
<inherits name="org.gwtbootstrap3.GwtBootstrap3NoTheme"/>
then I included a function I found here on stackoverflow to load the bootstrap I downloaded:
public static native void loadCss(String url)/*-{
var fileref=document.createElement("link");
fileref.setAttribute("href", url);
This allows me to decide which theme I want to load. If you want the stock theme, you will have to manually load it as well.