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Repeating a word to match the length of a string

In school we are currently using python to create a Caeser Cipher, and a Keyword Cipher. I need help with certain parts of the Keyword cipher, mainly repeating a word to match the length of a string that has been entered, For example:

Entered String: Hello I am Jacob Key: bye Printed text: byebyebyebyeb

I'm okay at Python, but this is very hard for me. Currently this is as far as I got:

def repeat_to_length(key, Input):
return (key * ((ord(Input)/len(key))+1))[:ord(Input)]

Since It's a string I thought if I used ord It would turn it to a number, but I realised when using the ord command you can only have a single character, as I realised when I repeatedly got this error:

TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 16 found

I found some code that did a keyword cipher, but I am not sure which part does the process I am trying to code:

def createVigenereSquare():
   start = ord('a')
   end = start + 26
   index = start
   sq = [''] * 256   
   for i in  range(start, end):
      row = [''] * 256
      for j in  range(start, end):
         if index > (end - 1):
            index = start
         row[j] = chr(index)
         index += 1
      sq[i] = row
      index = i + 1 
   return sq

def createKey(message, keyword):
   n = 0
   key = ""
   for i in range(0, len(message)):
       if n >= len(keyword):
         n = 0
      key += keyword[n]
      n += 1
   return key

def createCipherText(message, key):
   vsquare = createVigenereSquare()
   cipher = ""
    for i in range(0, len(key)):
      cipher += vsquare[ord(key[i])][ord(message[i])]
   return cipher

message = str(input("Please input a message using lowercase letters: "))
keyword = str(input("Please input a single word with lowercase letters: "))
key = createKey(message, keyword)
ciphertext = createCipherText(message, key)
print ("Message: " + message)
print ("Keyword: " + keyword)
print ("Key: " + key)
print ("Ciphertext: " + ciphertext)

As I've said I'm only okay at Python, so I don't really understand all the code in the above code, and I really want to be able to write most of it myself. This is my code so far:

def getMode():
      while True:
           print("Enter encrypt, e, decrypt or d")
           mode = input('Do you want to encrypt the message or decrypt? ')    #changes whether the code encrypts or decrypts message
           if mode in 'encrypt e decrypt d ENCRYPT E DECRYPT D'.split():      #defines the various inputs that are valid
                 return mode
                 print('Enter either "encrypt" or "e" or "decrypt" or "d".')       #restarts this string of code if the input the user enters is invalid

Input = input('Enter your message: ')

key = input('Enter the one word key: ')

def repeat_to_length(key, Input):
   return (key * ((ord(Input)/len(key))+1))[:ord(Input)]

encryptedKey = repeat_to_length(key, Input)


I know I've been pretty long winded but if anyone could provide any information on this topic, like explaining the code for the keyword cipher, or just answering my question, I would appreciate it!



  • Another possibility is to repeat the key enough times to get a string at least as long as the message, and then just grab as many characters as you need from the beginning:

    >>> message='Hello I am Jacob'
    >>> key='bye' 
    >>> times=len(message)//len(key)+1 
    >>> print((times*key)[:len(message)])

    We compute times by dividing the length of the message by the length of the string, but we have to add 1, because any remainder will be dropped. times*key is just key repeated times times. This may be longer than we want, so we just take the first len(message) characters.