I am in the US South Bluemix region. I received the following error when trying to create an application using the "SDK for Node.js" boilerplate:
BXNUI2032E: An error occurred when contacting Cloud Foundry to create a resource. Resource: service_bindings. Cloud Foundry message: "Service broker error: {"description"=>"Error 500 received from broker url http://env5monitoringservicebroker.ng.bluemix.net/v2/service_instances/61529633-1ded-4c6f-b725-e6112dc25516/service_bindings/6d213979-dae2-4cfb-ae54-1600cdfc31e6"}." See the Troubleshooting topics in the IBM Bluemix Documentation to check service status, review troubleshooting information, or for information about getting help
I am not sure how to troubleshoot this problem. According to this site, the Node.JS runtime
is up. So what can be causing the above issue?
The error message that you see is due to a problem with the Monitoring and Analytics
service that was seen yesterday. This is now resolved.
When you create the SDK for Node.js
boilerplate then it will also provision a Cloudant NoSQL DB
and also the Monitoring and Analytics
service in addition to the Node.js runtime.