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How do I implement my own list in Prolog?

I am learning Prolog and I know there is a data structure already implemented to handle Lists, but I was wondering and if for some reason I want to implement my own data structure, how can I do that? I am not expecting an implementation as an answer, but some ideas would be great.



  • Lists in Prolog are compound terms with some syntactic sugar. You can reveal the canonical syntax using queries such as:

    | ?- write_canonical([]).
    | ?- write_canonical([1,2,3]).

    If you compare the query results with the abstract definition of the list data structure, you can see that the empty list is represented by the atom [] and that a non-empty list is a '.'/2 compound term where the first argument is a list element and the second element is a list.

    You can define your own "data structures" by defining a suitable compound term. A good place to start would be a simple binary tree. You will need a representation for the empty tree, say, the atom nil, and a compound term with three arguments for the nodes: the node element, the left tree, and the right tree. For example: tree(a, tree(c,nil,nil), tree(f,nil,tree(z,nil,nil))). From this example, can you write predicates that e.g. do tree traversals and call some predicate on the node elements? E.g. writing them to the standard output?