We're using JSONAPI for this project, but for [reasons] we can't handle its recommended relationship structure in the API, so we're serving and expecting them as nested objects instead, with the following format:
"type": "embedded",
"transcriptText":"Some transcription text here. And another sentence after it.",
"text":"Some transcription text here."
"text":"And another sentence after it."
I have the following model structure:
// models/video
export default DS.Model.extend({
transcriptions: DS.hasMany('transcription')
// models/transcription
export default DS.Model.extend({
video: DS.belongsTo('video'),
cuepoints: DS.hasMany('cuepoint')
// models/cuepoint
export default DS.Model.extend({
transcription: DS.belongsTo('transcription')
Now, what we want to do is save a video
record, and have it serialize the transcriptions
and cuepoints
it contains. I have the following serializer, and it works absolutely fine for embedding a transcription
into a video
ie. one level, but I need it to then embed the cuepoints
into that too.
export default DS.JSONAPISerializer.extend({
serializeHasMany: function(record, json, relationship) {
var hasManyRecords, key;
key = relationship.key;
hasManyRecords = Ember.get(record, key);
if (hasManyRecords) {
json.attributes[key] = {};
hasManyRecords.forEach(function(item) {
json.attributes[key].data = json.attributes[key].data || [];
attributes: item._attributes,
id: item.get('id'),
type: item.get('type')
} else {
this._super(record, json, relationship);
Inspecting the record
, json
and relationship
properties in the serializeHasMany
method, I can't see anything about the nested relationships, so not even sure I'm using the right method.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong with this?
I think I've figured this out. There were a few methods I didn't know existed for looping through relationships, and I needed to write a custom serialize
method, instead of just overriding the default serializeHasMany
serialize(record) {
// Set up the main data structure for the record to be serialized
var JSON = {
data: {
id: record.id,
type: record.modelName,
attributes: {}
// Find relationships in the record and serialize them into the JSON.data.attributes object
JSON.data.attributes = this.serializeRelationships(JSON.data.attributes, record);
// Loop through the record's attributes and insert them into the JSON.data.attributes object
record.eachAttribute((attr) => {
JSON.data.attributes[attr] = record.attr(attr);
// Return the fully serialized JSON data
return JSON;
// Take a parent JSON object and an individual record, loops through any relationships in the record, and creates a JSONAPI resource object
serializeRelationships(JSON, record) {
record.eachRelationship((key, relationship) => {
if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
// Set up the relationship data structure
JSON[relationship.key] = {
data: []
// Gran any relationships in the record
var embeddedRecords = record.hasMany(relationship.key);
// Loop through the relationship's records and build a resource object
if (embeddedRecords) {
embeddedRecords.forEach((embeddedRecord) => {
var obj = {
id: embeddedRecord.id,
type: embeddedRecord.modelName,
attributes: {}
// Recursively check for relationships in the record
obj.attributes = this.serializeRelationships(obj.attributes, embeddedRecord);
// Loop through the standard attributes and populate the record.data.attributes object
embeddedRecord.eachAttribute((attr) => {
obj.attributes[attr] = embeddedRecord.attr(attr);
return JSON;