The first activity of my application is checking the database and upgrading it if needed.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onResume() {
//Test et remplissage de la BDD
ProgressBar progressBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(;
DatabaseFeeder.testAndFeed(this, progressBar);
//Launch welcoming activity
Intent i = new Intent(this, AccueilActivity.class);
The DatabaseFeeder.testAndFeed static method is a little slow because it reads from assets, so it can take like 5 secs to fill the database.
Problem is : the contentView is not set before the feeder is finished ! My activity is all blank for 5 seconds and then pop as my content view, including fully filled progressbar.
Why is that so ?
run following code in an async task:
DatabaseFeeder.testAndFeed(this, progressBar);
this will keep applications main thread free for rendering required views. also, it is always a good idea to separate long-running operations from main thread of application.