I have below dtp.conf file for internal requirement.
export CHO='NON-PROD'
but when I print the config file via augtool unable to print the value
augtool> print /files/opt/dtp/etc/dtp_config
I do not remember Augeas having a specific lens for this file. Augeas cannot guess which lens (parser) to use, it needs to know which lens to associate to which file.
In this case, this looks like a Shellvar type of file, so you can use e.g.:
augtool -At "Shellvars.lns incl /opt/dtp/etc/dtp.conf"
to edit it.
In Puppet, use the shellvar
type from the augeasproviders_shellvar Puppet module:
shellvar { 'CHO':
ensure => exported,
target => '/opt/dtp/etc/dtp_config',
value => 'NON-PROD',