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Using OpenMP in C++ with Timsort Algorithm

I've been looking for a way to implement Timsort for C++ (Implementation found on Github) with multithreading and I've tried using in this process. I'm sure I'm using the correct compiler flags, but whenever I try to use Timsort as I do below:

#pragma omp parallel shared(DataVector)
     gfx::timsort(DataVector.begin(), DataVector.end(), comp_1);

Note: Data being sorted is a vector containing strings of individual words, and I'm using a my own comparator.

It seems to sort in the same amount of time that it takes to run without using OpenMP. Using the appropriate includes for chrono and such, I timed values that were within .01 seconds of each other on average, hovering around 1.24 seconds for my sort.

Is there a reason the threading doesn't seem to work with my sorting method, or is it a problem with the way I'm implementing OpenMP?

Note on purpose: I have been using __gnu_parallel::sort as well with better results but I'm looking to compare these methods in practice myself.


  • omp parallel needs to see the loop it is going to parallelize. The way you've declared it, omp will parallelize a single section of code which does not give any benefit.

    Check your docs on omp parallel usage.

    To do a for loop you need to use omp parallel for with the for statement following. The way you have it now it will run your timsort on every core you have.