I have xml like this:
And I need to deserialize it to class. But the problem is, that week will be change in future(it will be contains more elements, and name of them I dont know)
public class Data
[XmlArrayItem("audit_value", IsNullable = true)]
public AuditValue[] AuditValues { get; set; }
public class AuditValue
[XmlElement("week", typeof(TVR))]
public Week Week;
public class Week : IXmlSerializable
public Dictionary<string, double> Values = new Dictionary<string, double>();
public XmlSchema GetSchema()
return null;
public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
var sub = reader.ReadSubtree();
if (sub.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
string name = sub.Name;
string val = sub.ReadElementContentAsString();
Values.Add(name, Convert.ToDouble(val));
} while (sub.Read());
public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
But after deserialization I have only one element with only one recored in dictionary Values. What I'm doing wrong?
GitHub: https://github.com/olegletynain/XmlTest/tree/master/XmlTestRead
I tweaked your ReadXml method based on @Matthew Whited's idea in the comments section and the following method does the job:
public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
Values = XElement.Parse(reader.ReadOuterXml())
.ToDictionary(k => k.Name.ToString(), v => double.Parse(v.Value));
As a side note you only need XmlRoot on the actual root element not on every class so I removed it from AuditValue and Week. Also I don't know what TVR is. It didn't compile with "typeof(TVR)" so I removed it as well.
For the sake of completeness here's my version of the classes:
public class Data
[XmlArrayItem("audit_value", IsNullable = true)]
public AuditValue[] AuditValues { get; set; }
public class AuditValue
public Week Week;
public class Week : IXmlSerializable
public Dictionary<string, double> Values = new Dictionary<string, double>();
public XmlSchema GetSchema()
return null;
public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
Values = XElement.Parse(reader.ReadOuterXml())
.ToDictionary(k => k.Name.ToString(), v => double.Parse(v.Value));
public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)