I have a query that searches through a list of polygons and checks to see if any of a list of points is included. My problem is I need to some how insert a indicator of which polygon the point was found in.
Here is my query:
function fieldGeoFilteringFn(){
r.connect(config.rethinkdb, function(err, conn){
if(err) {
console.log('conn err', err)
r.db('queue').table('activeJobs').forEach(function(id) {
return r.db('queue').table('fieldTrucks').insert( r.db('queue').table('tracksInit').getIntersecting(
r.db('queue').table('activeJobs').get(id('id'))('shape')('location') , {index: 'geometry'}).pluck(
['Heading', 'MobileName', 'geometry', 'id', 'Speed', 'HardwareId'])) }).run(conn, function(err,result){
if(err) {
console.log("Insert Field Trucks err", err)
} else {
console.log("Field truck insert")
The id from each of the activeJobs is what I would like to insert along with the other fields am "plucking".
If more information is needed just let me know.
You can use merge
to combine objects.
Does this do what you want?
r.db('queue').table('activeJobs').forEach(function(job) {
return r.db('queue').table('fieldTrucks').insert(
['Heading', 'MobileName', 'geometry', 'id', 'Speed', 'HardwareId']).merge(
{job_id: job('id')}))