I recently got Sass and WAMP up and running on my new PC and started working on a new WordPress-site at my localhost.
But then i noticed that WordPress is loading the .SCSS file even though I have enqueued the CSS-stylesheet like this in my functions.php:
function theme_primary_css() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'theme-styles', get_template_directory_uri().'/css/theme-styles.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_primary_css' );
I can see the theme-style.css is loaded succesfully when I look at the site's source code. But when looking in Web Developer Tools I can see it loads the CSS from the .SCSS file. What's going on?
It may be great for debugging etc. - but I have a problem when using nested styles like this:
h1 {
.entry-title {
margin-top: 0px;
This style isn't working - probably because it is loading the .scss file - but at the same time my variables set in .scss works fine (even though it loads the .scss and not the .css file - the 30px you see in the picture is actually a variable). I'm pretty confused!
By the way I am using Brackets with an autocompiler installed (which works perfectly).
I hope someone can help me out!
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the help Steve and Rnevius! You got me on the right track.
The reason why my style didn't work was because i missed a &-sign before my .entry-title class. So the working Sass ended up being:
h1 {
font-size: $h1-size;
&.entry-title {
margin-top: 0px;
So, as Rnevius pointed out, it isn't loading the .scss file - it is just showing the .scss file in the inspector to help me out developing - which is very helpful. So I came to the conclusion that it was my CSS/Sass that was the problem - and yes - I missed a &-sign as mentioned above. It all works now.
Hope it can help other hours-of-coding-tired people like me. I'll go to bed now :D