Can someone please explain what #ifdef..#else..#endif does in this piece of code? It's from an open-source iphone twitter client.
@interface NTLNTwitterClient : NTLNOAuthHttpClient {
@interface NTLNTwitterClient : NTLNHttpClient {
int requestPage;
NSString *screenNameForUserTimeline;
BOOL parseResultXML;
NSObject<NTLNTwitterClientDelegate> *delegate;
BOOL requestForTimeline;
BOOL requestForDirectMessage;
NTLNTwitterXMLParser *xmlParser;
If ENABLE_OAUTH is defined somewhere else, then the class NTLNTwitterClient will be a subclass of NTLNOAuthHttpClient.
If ENABLE_OAUTH is not defined, then the class NTLNTwitterClient will be a subclass of NTLNHttpClient.