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Python: How to determine attribute MRO

We can easily determine an object's mro, by accessing its __mro__ attribute.

In my case I have a really complex hierarchy that I'm trying to untangle to avoid the current mro hell we are undergoing.

I have a very long mro chain like this one:

(<class 'CompanyUserViewSet'>, <class 'CompanyGenericViewSet'>, 
 <class 'CompanyDispatchMixin'>, <class 'CompanyCorsLiteMixin'>, 
 <class 'CorsLiteMixin'>, <class 'ErrorHandlingMixin'>, ..., <type 'object'>)

This is shortened for the sake of the question, but in this case it sums up to 19 classes.

I currently have a problem: I need to know from which one of these classes python is resolving the as_view method.

I know I can check these in order, but I fail to see what I'm doing wrong, since the as_view that is getting called is not the correct one.

The call to the method is pretty simple, we have a CompanyUserViewSet that Rest Framework is using to build the urls for a router:

view = viewset.as_view(mapping, **route.initkwargs)

How can I determine, given an object and one of its attributes (or methods) from what class is python resolving it?


  • To get where a method is defined use, method.__func__.__qualname__. That requires Python >= 3.3. In older pythons you can use the qualname package.

    See the example below:

    class A:
      def f1():
        return 'f1A'
      def f2():
        return 'f2A'
    class B(A):
      def f2():
        return 'f2B'
    a = A()
    b = B()

    which produces the output:


    If you are using the qualname package:

    import qualname
    print qualname.qualname(a.f1)
    print qualname.qualname(a.f2)
    print qualname.qualname(b.f1)
    print qualname.qualname(b.f2)